English Hub

Showcase events

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“The Showcase was invaluable! Connecting with colleagues and learning from the English Hub’s Phonics support will be key to improving outcomes for our children.”

Headteacher, Nottingham School Trust

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Showcase Events

Our showcase events are an opportunity to explore:

  • Best practice in phonics teaching from Nursery, through to Reception and Key Stage 1
  • How language and English skills are embedded throughout the school
  • How to develop innovative ways of ensuring that children love reading – throughout their education.
  • These events include live demonstrations, and an opportunity to ask questions and discuss future support from Flying High English Hub.

Also included in the day is an opportunity to discuss the possibility of your school receiving additional support from the English Hub through our partner school programme. We will discuss the audit and referral process, which can result in funding of up to £6000 in additional funding to support your school’s use of a systematic, synthetic phonics programme.

If your school does not meet the criteria for additional support, we are still keen to welcome you and are confident that the day will be of interest and help.

Our showcase events run in the autumn term.

24 – 25 Showcase Dates

5th February 2025: BOOK HERE


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