Files and Documents
Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Flying High Trust (FHT) is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities and making continuous improvements in this area. FHT does not engage in, or condone the practices of human trafficking, slavery or forced labour. This statement is designed to address the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
NCC and NSPCC Child Protection Policy Executive Summary 2022-23
Executive Summary of key changes to Nottinghamshire Policy for 2022-23
FHT Safeguarding Policy Nottinghamshire 2022-23
Safeguarding policy adopted by all Flying High schools in Nottinghamshire
FHT Safeguarding Policy Derbyshire 2022-23
Safeguarding policy adopted by all Flying High schools in Derbyshire
NCC and NSPCC Child Protection Referral Flowchart September 2022-23
Child Protection Flowchart for Nottinghamshire Schools